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  13. CNBC has created a brief guide on how the top five cryptocurrencies by market capitalization, or value in the world, have performed so far this year, and what the differences are between each of them. Cryptocurrency is a relatively new medium of exchange that’s gained popularity in the past decade. Crypto cheerleaders think the future of finance is cryptocurrency rather than stocks and conventional forms of currency, while others believe that the unregulated nature of cryptocurrency makes it too risky to support a full-fledged financial system. Cryptocurrencies lack government backing, and how much the market will bear determines their value. The value of cryptocurrencies can vary based on how it is collateralized. Many major cryptos, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, Litecoin, and BNB, rely on a supply/demand balance to maintain value. Say, for example, the demand for Bitcoin dropped to zero. This would result in a drastic price drop, as there is no longer a market for trade.
    Is Ether a security? The question has been debated since the very beginning of Ethereum, with the blockchain’s developers hoping to avoid passing the Howey Test (the set of criteria that determines whether something is a security) and thus saving Ethereum from much stricter regulatory oversight. For years, Ethereum leaders have argued that the token is sufficiently decentralized, and regulators have mostly stayed away. “I don’t want to claim everything will go perfectly without a hitch,” said Tim Beiko, who works for the Ethereum Foundation, a nonprofit that helps maintain the platform. “We’re kind of confident we won’t see network-level issues just because we’ve run through the thing so many times before.” IMPT will host carbon credits as NFTs on the blockchain, making the entire process transparent. For example, when a user retires a carbon credit on IMPT, which signals that the carbon credit has been used, the NFT is sent to a burn address, and the transactions are recorded on the blockchain as proof of disposal. This completely removes the chance of carbon credit fraud and double-counting credits.

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    Chuckling over Discord about our old favorites that haven’t held up, or being unanimously surprised at how fun some of them still are reminded me how often Flash games once brought people together. I remember bonding hard with people I barely spoke to after playing a co-op keyboard game, or having intense 1v1s in Matrix Bullet Time Fighting, then getting a slice of pizza with pals. There are too many experiences to count. The best part is my friends and I never had to pay for them. It highlights the importance of publicly available, accessible, and approachable games in much the same way we treat public libraries. Super Mario Flash About 70 percent of the developers said they make games part time. About 97 percent of developers are male and most of the respondents to the survey — which was in English — were in the U.S. and the United Kingdom. About 60 percent work on their own, 30 percent work in teams of two to five people, and the rest are part of bigger organizations. About 25 percent make games in less than a month, and 49 percent make games in one to three months.

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